List of products by brand KWAK

Šití spacáků na zakázku má ve městě Liberci už téměř 50 let dlouhou tradici. V 70. letech, kdy turistické vybavení nebylo zrovna dostupné, začala pro potřebu svou a svých přátel šít spacáky paní Jana Červenková. Postupem času už to ale nebylo pouze „šití pro přátele“ a paní Janě Červenkové vznikla v roce 1990 pod jejíma šikovnýma rukama firma Alka, která se vyznačovala velkou kvalitou šitých výrobků a vstřícným individuálním přístupem k zákazníkům.

začátek kolem roku


Šití spacáků na zakázku má ve městě Liberci už téměř 50 let dlouhou tradici.

V 70. letech, kdy turistické vybavení nebylo zrovna dostupné, začala pro potřebu svou a svých přátel šít spacáky paní Jana Červenková.

firma Alka


Postupem času už to ale nebylo pouze „šití pro přátele“ a paní Janě Červenkové.

V roce 1990 vznikla pod jejíma šikovnýma rukama firma Alka, která se vyznačovala velkou kvalitou šitých výrobků a vstřícným individuálním přístupem k zákazníkům.

firma Alka a Eva Hrstková


Celých 26 let šila krásné spacáky podle představ svých zákazníků.

V roce 2016 se ale čas firmy Alka naplnil a paní Červenková se rozhodla svou činnost ukončit. Toho si ale všimla Eva Hrstková, která byla toho času maminka na rodičovské dovolené, a právě ji napadlo v šití spacáků pokračovat. Ještě ten samý rok tedy od paní Červenkové odkoupila její know-how a společně ušily poslední a zároveň první spacák a od té doby existuje naše značka KWAK, která se jako bájný Fénix zrodila z popela končící společnosti.

začátky Eva Hrstková - KWAK


Za vydatné pomoci rodiny vznikla v podkroví rodinného domu malá dílna.

Tam se vešel tak akorát stůl a nový průmyslový šicí stroj, a tehdy se mohlo začít šít. Nejprve jsme šili zkušební prototypy a zkoušeli nové střihy, postupně přibývalo zkušeností i zákazníků a výroba se začala pomalu rozjíždět. Nastal čas i na inovaci materiálů, původně používaný Pertex Classic jsme nahradili látkami Pertex Endurance a Pertex Quantum, které se na spacáky lépe hodí, díky svým vlastnostem. Vrchní látka je odolnější a vnitřní naopak jemnější a příjemnější na dotek.

Eva Hrstková - KWAK


Měsíce ubíhaly a přišel rok 2018, který pro nás byl především ve znamení propagace našich spacáků. Dne 14. 4. 2018 jsme se zúčastnili první veřejné akce, a to festivalu Juchů na Technické univerzitě v Liberci.

Díky festivalu nás zanedlouho oslovila paní Lucie Fürstová z Českého rozhlasu Liberec, která Evu Hrstkovou pozvala do rádia a následně udělala v rámci série „Další z inspirativních příběhů“ rozhovor o svém podnikání.

Skoro jako mediální hvězdy jsme se pak cítili 12. 10. 2018, když Evu Hrstkovou pozvali na interview do pořadu Českého rozhlasu „Dopoledne s Dvojkou“, kde také vyprávěla svůj příběh o vzniku značky KWAK.

Všechny tyto „akce“ zapůsobily jako dobrá reklama, a tak se šilo jako po másle. Látky ale ubývalo a ukázalo se, že není tak jednoduché shánět novou. Naštěstí jsme ale objevili firmu Nanomembrane, jejíž látky přesně odpovídaly našim požadavkům, a proto jsme se v listopadu 2018 stali jejich pravidelným odběratelem.

Eva Hrstková a David Pařízek


Rok velkých a ještě větších změn.

Dne 18. 1. 2019 oslovil Evu Hrstkovou David Pařízek, který chtěl ušít spacák na míru. Slovo dalo slovo a neskončilo to pouze u jednoho spacáku. Jejich setkání odhalilo společnou zálibu ve vývoji nových věcí a bourání hranic dosažitelného. A právě zde se zrodila budoucí spolupráce a společné podnikání. Od 9. 2. 2019 se na spacácích a jiných péřových výrobcích objevuje nové logo KWAK a zhruba od té chvíle vystupují Eva s Davidem jako obchodní společníci.

Setkání s Davidem Pařízkem roztočilo kolotoč změn a vývoje na plné obrátky.

Malá dílnička v podkroví se ukázala jako opravdu malá a bylo třeba hledat novou a větší. To se podařilo záhy a od dubna 2019 sídlíme v nové dílně ve Vratislavicích nad Nisou, kam se pohodlně vejde více, než jen jeden šicí stroj.

Zavádění loga KWAK se rozjel na plné obrátky. Výroba nových vizitek, letáčků, vlajek, polepů, brožur a dalších marketingových podkladů a pomůcek.

V dubnu 2019 jsme se moc rádi již podruhé zúčastnili festivalu Juchů. V té době bylo už tolik zakázek, že bylo třeba najít posilu do týmu. A tou se stala paní z Liberce, skvělá švadlena, která už v té době rozjížděla malý podnik, který byl zaměřen na přešívání kočárků tak, aby ještě posloužily, a na kterou dostala Eva Hrstková tip od mistrové textilní výroby p. Baumrukrové. Milá švadlenka s nabídkou šít péřové výrobky se nechala zlákat a jsme moc rádi, že je od května 2019 s námi.

A protože stále rostla poptávka po nových péřových výrobcích, tak jsme od jara 2019 také začali šít i jiné výrobky než jen spacáky. Mezi naše produkty jsme zařadili péřové sukně, vesty, rukavice, papuče, dětské fusaky a jiné a to vše jak jinak, než na míru, přesně podle přání zákazníků.

Byl nám přidělen na období jednoho roku dotace 250.000,- Kč z Dotačního fondu Libereckého kraje, oblast podpory: Regionální rozvoj, program č. 2.2: Regionální inovační program, dotační titul 3: Technologické vouchery, projekt: Prototyp zimní péřová bunda KWAK V1.0.

Naše spolupráce s TUL Liberec Fakulta textilní.

Tkanina a jejich struktura je testována na vysoké škole fakulta textilní v Liberci. Zde jsou fotografie z elektronového mikroskopu. 

Zkoumali jsme všechny naše tkaniny a jednotlivé složení, strukturu, formátování jednotlivých vláken. Způsob roztažnosti a RipStop všech našich tkanin (nylon-polyamid). Počet vláken a jeho hustota a další segmenty tkanin.

Naše první profesionální interiérové fotografie spacích pytlů OutdoorKWAK. Děkujeme fotografovi TEOPE Radek Drbohlav.

Eva Hrstková a David Pařízek


Úplný začátek roku 2020 přinesl další posun, od

1. 1. 2020 máme exkluzivitu na látku s nanomembránou značky Nanomembrane pro segment všech péřových výrobků.

Jeden stroj, i když dobrý, už dále nemohl zvládat vše a bylo třeba mu pořídit nové kamarády. Do dílny taky přibyly dva další průmyslové šicí stroje Jack, které si hned tak neodpočinou. Nové posily mohly přijít.

Provedli jsme atestaci spacího pytle Kuňka a spací pytel Skokan a spací pytel Rosnička dle normy ISO EN 23537 ve státní zkušebně TZU Brno.

Pro rok 2020 nám byla přidělena na období jednoho roku dotace 200.000,- Kč z Dotačního fondu Libereckého kraje, oblast podpory: Regionální rozvoj, program č. 2.2: Regionální inovační program, dotační titul 3: Technologické vouchery, projekt: Prototyp Bivakovací pytel KWAK V1.0.

Dne 14. 5. 2020 jsme spustili z cela nový e-shop B2B a B2C a postupně jej budeme doplňovat novými produkty a službami. Produkty budou samozřejmě také vyráběny s aplikovanou nanotechnologií.

Byla zavedena česká EAN čísla na naše produkty s prefixem 859 a zapojena do mezinárodního systému vedená u společnosti GS1 Czech Republic.

Naše první profesionální exteriérové fotografie spacích pytlů OutdoorKWAK a dalších produktů. Děkujeme fotografovi TEOPE Radek Drbohlav.

Recenze a testování spacího pytle Kuňka K185 u známého časopisu Svě, a dopadli jsme na jedničku s hvězdičkou.

Registrace a potvrzení do oficiální databáze České státní proexportní agentury CzechTrade.

Mám i svoje cyklistické dresy dámské a pánské i dětské a nákrčníky OutdoorKWAK.

OutdoorKWAK s.r.o.


1. 1. 2021 byla založena nová společnost OutdoorKWAK s.r.o., IČ: 09784781, Společnost je zapsána v obchodním rejstříku vedeném u Krajského soudu v Ústí nad Labem, oddílu C, vložce 46397, Se sídlem: Kunratice u Cvikova 349, 471 55 Kunratice u Cvikova, Česko.

A do měsíce jsme se stali i plátci DPH a bylo nám přiděleno DIČ: CZ09784781.

Dnes 18. 1. 2021 - slavíme už 2. roky od našeho setkání.

Recenze a testování dámské vesty a dámské sukně u známého časopisu Svě, a opět jsme dopadli na jedničku s hvězdičkou.

Proběhla registrace a ověření v OSN a NATO, abychom mohli dodávat naše výrobky a produkty do těchto celosvětových organizací.

Zase o kus větší. Dílna OutodorKWAK se opět zvětšila o další místnost a hlavně o další šicí stroje s malou prezentaci našich produktů.

Spustili jsme kanál na YouTube - OutdoorKWAK. Postupně budeme doplňovat o naše osobní videa a videa s prezentací našich výrobků.

A proč ne, už máme i trička OutdoorKWAK dámské, pánské, samozřejmě i dětské s dlouhým i krátkým rukávem a to všechno v několika barvách.

Pro rok 2021 nám byla přidělena na období jednoho roku dotace 200.000,- Kč z Dotačního fondu Libereckého kraje, oblast podpory: Regionální rozvoj, program č. 2.2: Regionální inovační program, dotační titul 3: Technologické vouchery, projekt: Ultra lehká šustka KWAK Nisa.

Vratislavická rodačka Eva Hrstková, která ve své provozovně v Rochlické/Tanvaldské ulici šije speciální outdoorové oblečení a spací pytle pod značkou OutdoorKWAK, byla v rámci šestnáctého ročníku podnikatelské soutěže MONETA Živnostník roku 2021 Libereckého kraje v úterý 21. září vyhlášena 2. nejlepší podnikatelkou našeho kraje.

Proběhla registrace a ověření v registru D-U-N-S (Dun & Bradstreet) pod číslem D-U-N-S® Nummer: 49-668-6180, abychom mohli dodávat naše výrobky a produkty do světových společností.

KWAK children's gloves Enif KWAK children's gloves Enif 2
Product is available to order
665 Kč
Gloves for children 0-12 months Just like any parent, you want to ensure your child is warm, comfortable and happy. Light and very pleasant to the touch, KWAK children's gloves filled with goose feathers are great not only for baby carriers and strollers. This accessory will ensure comfort and thermal comfort for the hands of your little ones in cold to...
KWAK Children's sleeping bag Kunka K150 KWAK Children's sleeping bag Kunka K150 2
Product is available to order
5,950 Kč
Holidays are approaching and your children will soon start preparing for camps and other nature trips. It is important to think that your children sleep well outside the home, that they are not cold at night, or that they do not get wet. This and much more is guaranteed to be ensured by the Kuňka K150 sleeping bag from the KWAK brand with nanotechnology.....
KWAK Children's sleeping bag Kunka K110 KWAK Children's sleeping bag Kunka K110 2
Product is available to order
3,850 Kč
Holidays are approaching and your children will soon start preparing for camps and other nature trips. It is important to think that your children sleep well outside the home, that they are not cold at night, or that they do not get wet. This and much more is guaranteed to be ensured by the Kuňka K110 sleeping bag from the KWAK brand with nanotechnology....
KWAK Sleeping bag Kunka K170 KWAK Sleeping bag Kunka K170 2
Product is available to order
8,850 Kč
Holidays are approaching and your children will soon start preparing for camps and other nature trips. It is important to think that your children sleep well outside the home, that they are not cold at night, or that they do not get wet. This and much more is guaranteed to be ensured by the Kuňka K170 sleeping bag from the KWAK brand with nanotechnology.....
KWAK Children's sleeping bag Kunka K130 KWAK Children's sleeping bag Kunka K130 2
Product is available to order
4,950 Kč
Holidays are approaching and your children will soon start preparing for camps and other nature trips. It is important to think that your children sleep well outside the home, that they are not cold at night, or that they do not get wet. This and much more is guaranteed to be ensured by the Kunka K130 sleeping bag from the KWAK brand with nanotechnology....
KWAK Sleeping bag Kunka K185 KWAK Sleeping bag Kunka K185 2
Product is available to order
9,450 Kč
It's time to go on nature trips. It is important to think about sleeping well outside your home, so that you do not feel cold at night, or that you do not get wet. This and much more is guaranteed to be ensured by the Kunka K185 sleeping bag from the Kwak brand with nanotechnology. The sleeping bag is designed for a figure up to a height of 185 cm.....
KWAK Sleeping bag Kunka K200 KWAK Sleeping bag Kunka K200 2
Product is available to order
10,950 Kč
It's time to go on nature trips. It is important to think about sleeping well outside your home, so that you do not feel cold at night, or that you do not get wet. This and much more is guaranteed to be ensured by the Kunka K200 sleeping bag from the Kwak brand with nanotechnology. The sleeping bag is designed for a figure up to a height of 200 cm.....
KWAK Sleeping bag Skokan S170 KWAK Sleeping bag Skokan S170 2
Product is available to order
9,650 Kč
It's time to go on nature trips in any weather. Whether it is spring, summer, autumn or winter, the Skokan sleeping bag will be a good partner for you after a tiring journey on the hills and in the mountains. It is important to think that you can sleep comfortably away from home, that you do not feel cold at night, or that you do not get wet. This and...
KWAK Sleeping bag Skokan S185 KWAK Sleeping bag Skokan S185 2
Product is available to order
10,450 Kč
It's time to go on nature trips in any weather. Whether it is spring, summer, autumn or winter, the Skokan sleeping bag will be a good partner for you after a tiring journey on the hills and in the mountains. It is important to think that you can sleep comfortably away from home, that you do not feel cold at night, or that you do not get wet. This and...
KWAK Sleeping bag Skokan S200 KWAK Sleeping bag Skokan S200 2
Product is available to order
11,850 Kč
It's time to go on nature trips in any weather. Whether it is spring, summer, autumn or winter, the Skokan sleeping bag will be a good partner for you after a tiring journey on the hills and in the mountains. It is important to think that you can sleep comfortably away from home, that you do not feel cold at night, or that you do not get wet. This and...
KWAK Sleeping bag Rosnicka R170 KWAK Sleeping bag Rosnicka R170 2
Product is available to order
6,950 Kč
Are you going for summer outing in the countryside, on a motorcycle, on a bike or under the sun? Tnen Rosnička Sleeping bag is for you. It will ensure your comfort when sleeping so that you are not cold, so you won't get soaked and at the same do not overheat on hot nights. This and much more is guaranteed with Rosnička Sleeping bag R170 from KWAK with...
KWAK Sleeping bag Rosnicka R185 KWAK Sleeping bag Rosnicka R185 2
Product is available to order
7,550 Kč
Are you going for summer outing in the countryside, on a motorcycle, on a bike or under the sun? Tnen Rosnička Sleeping bag is for you. It will ensure your comfort when sleeping so that you are not cold, so you won't get soaked and at the same do not overheat on hot nights. This and much more is guaranteed with Rosnička Sleeping bag R185 from KWAK with...
KWAK Sleeping bag Rosnicka R200 KWAK Sleeping bag Rosnicka R200 2
Product is available to order
8,050 Kč
Are you going for summer outing in the countryside, on a motorcycle, on a bike or under the sun? Tnen Rosnička Sleeping bag is for you. It will ensure your comfort when sleeping so that you are not cold, so you won't get soaked and at the same do not overheat on hot nights. This and much more is guaranteed with Rosnička Sleeping bag R200 from KWAK with...
KWAK Sleeping bag Ropucha P170 KWAK Sleeping bag Ropucha P170 2
Product is available to order
13,950 Kč
Are you planning to go outdoors on frosty days or are you going on an expedition in winter weather and extreme conditions? The sleeping bag Ropucha will create a safe haven for you on windy hills and on the huge mountains. The important thing is to think about sleeping comfortably even away from home, so that you don't get cold or drenched at night. That...
KWAK Sleeping bag Ropucha P185 KWAK Sleeping bag Ropucha P185 2
Product is available to order
15,450 Kč
Are you planning to go outdoors on frosty days or are you going on an expedition in winter weather and extreme conditions? The sleeping bag Ropucha will create a safe haven for you on windy hills and on the huge mountains. The important thing is to think about sleeping comfortably even away from home, so that you don't get cold or drenched at night. That...
KWAK Sleeping bag Ropucha P200 KWAK Sleeping bag Ropucha P200 2
Product is available to order
16,750 Kč
Are you planning to go outdoors on frosty days or are you going on an expedition in winter weather and extreme conditions? The sleeping bag Ropucha will create a safe haven for you on windy hills and on the huge mountains. The important thing is to think about sleeping comfortably even away from home, so that you don't get cold or drenched at night. That...
KWAK Quilt sleeping bag Anura A170 KWAK Quilt sleeping bag Anura A170 2
Product is available to order
From 9,325 Kč
Are you going on a quick hike, need to pack a backpack or are you doing to sleep in a hammock? Unlike a sleeping bag, TopQuilt is ultralight, has open back, no hood or zipper, and still has the same tempature range as a sleeping bag. This ensures you sleep comfort, warmth and dryness in all four seasons. This and much more is offered by TopQuilt Anura...
KWAK Quilt sleeping bag Anura A185 KWAK Quilt sleeping bag Anura A185 2
Product is available to order
From 9,825 Kč
Are you going on a quick hike, need to pack a backpack or are you doing to sleep in a hammock? Unlike a sleeping bag, TopQuilt is ultralight, has open back, no hood or zipper, and still has the same tempature range as a sleeping bag. This ensures you sleep comfort, warmth and dryness in all four seasons. This and much more is offered by TopQuilt Anura...
KWAK Quilt sleeping bag Anura A200 KWAK Quilt sleeping bag Anura A200 2
Product is available to order
From 10,325 Kč
Are you going on a quick hike, need to pack a backpack or are you doing to sleep in a hammock? Unlike a sleeping bag, TopQuilt is ultralight, has open back, no hood or zipper, and still has the same tempature range as a sleeping bag. This ensures you sleep comfort, warmth and dryness in all four seasons. This and much more is offered by TopQuilt Anura...
KWAK Sleeping bag Dekac D170 KWAK Sleeping bag Dekac D170 2
Product is available to order
9,850 Kč
Are you going camping, to a cabin in a countryside or to a houseboat? It's important to know to get a good sleep, even outside the house, that way you wouldn't be cold at night or get soaking wet. Universal and comfortable blanket sleeping bag Helps you with maximum comfort while asleep every season of the year. It can be completely unfolded and used as a...
KWAK Sleeping bag Dekáč D185 KWAK Sleeping bag Dekáč D185 2
Product is available to order
10,350 Kč
Are you going camping, to a cabin in a countryside or to a houseboat? It's important to know to get a good sleep, even outside the house, that way you wouldn't be cold at night or get soaking wet. Universal and comfortable blanket sleeping bag Helps you with maximum comfort while asleep every season of the year. It can be completely unfolded and used as a...
KWAK Sleeping bag Dekáč D200 KWAK Sleeping bag Dekáč D200 2
Product is available to order
10,950 Kč
Are you going camping, to a cabin in a countryside or to a houseboat? It's important to know to get a good sleep, even outside the house, that way you wouldn't be cold at night or get soaking wet. Universal and comfortable blanket sleeping bag Helps you with maximum comfort while asleep every season of the year. It can be completely unfolded and used as a...
KWAK Feather slippers for sleeping bag Twin KWAK Feather slippers for sleeping bag Twin 2
Product is available to order
From 1,490 Kč
Lightweight and very pleasant to the touch boots filled with goose feather. This accessory will ensure comfort and thermal coziness for your feet during cold down to freezing periods. KWAK slippers are suitable both for the sleeping bag as well as winter slippers at home, in your tent or to warm up your feet after taking off your skis and boots. Comfort...
KWAK Children's feather shoes Maia KWAK Children's feather shoes Maia 2
Product is available to order
1,150 Kč
Like every parent, you want to make sure your children is warm, comfortable and happy. We all know that warmth comes from the feet. Lightweight and very comfortable on the touch, KWAK baby boots filled with goose feather are great for both the carrier, and the stroller. You can customize the weight of the goose feathers, the cut and even the colour...
KWAK Women's feather vest Lyra KWAK Women's feather vest Lyra 2
Product is available to order
4,750 Kč
Do you want to have a vest custom made according to your imagination? With us, you can choose your own color combinations, goos feather down weight and more. KWAK vest is suitable for all four seasons, it is anatomically shapeable and suitable for all outdoor activities. Thanks to unique material, your vest will fully protect you from weather elements...
KWAK Down blanket Naos KWAK Down blanket Naos 2
Product is available to order
From 12,090 Kč
We fill the KWAK Naos down blanket with 100% downed goose down. This is the only way we achieve the highest quality. Downy feathers are an unbeatable material that no synthetic material can replace. It is anti-allergenic, light, breathable and has a high level of protection against the cold.
KWAK Men's feather vest Ceti KWAK Men's feather vest Ceti 2
Product is available to order
4,950 Kč
Do you want to have a vest made according to your imagination? With us, you can chose your own color combination, goose feather weight and more. KWAK vest is suitable for all four seasons, it's anatomically shaped and therefore suited for all outdoor activities. Thanks to the unique material, the vest will fully protect you from any wind elements and...
KWAK Men's down vest with hood and Ceti Tau collar KWAK Men's down vest with hood and Ceti Tau collar 2
Product is available to order
Do you want to have a vest made to your imagination? With us you can choose your own colour combinations, goose feather weight and more. KWAK vest is suitable for all seasons, it is anatomically shaped and therefore suitable for all outdoor activities. Thanks to the unique material, the vest will fully protect you from wind elements and rain. The vest has...
KWAK Women's down jacket with hood and Vega collar KWAK Women's down jacket with hood and Vega collar 2
Product is available to order
Do you want to have a jacket made to fit your imagination? With us, you can choose your own colour combinations, the weight of goose featherpeří and more. KWAK jacket is suitable for all seasons, it is anatomically shaped and therefore suitable for all outdoor activities. Thanks to its unique material, the jacket will fully protect you from strong winds...
KWAK Feather baby sleeping bag KWAK Feather baby sleeping bag 2
Product is available to order
4,750 Kč
KWAK Feather sleeping bag Arrakis is a sleeping bag designed for babies up to 3 years. It is ideal for active parents, who ride a bike with their babies, for long walks with a sports car, but also for those who go with their baby to sleep overnight at the cottage. To reduce the size, the bottom part is inserted into the inside of the fleece. The bag also...
KWAK Feather carrying insert Antiope KWAK Feather carrying insert Antiope 2
Product is available to order
950 Kč
Accessory for pregnant women and mothers who carry their baby in a scarf or ergonomic carrier. Are you pregnant and don't want to buy a new jacket, especially when yours doesn't fit anymore, or want to be close to your baby? Do you want to have a customized pad made according to your imagination? KWAK Feather pregnancy and carry insert with nanotechnology...
KWAK UnderQuilt Alkes L for hammock KWAK UnderQuilt Alkes L for hammock 2
Product is available to order
8,550 Kč
KWAK UnderQuilt Alkes L is an ideal accessory for sleeping in a hammock.It features underneath insulation that is suspended below the hammock to create an air gap, ensuring maximum insulation and thermal comfort. UnderQuilt prevents the flow of cold air and eliminates so-called ,,cold butt syndrome’’. This extended version of the UnderQuilt Alkes L...
KWAK UnderQuilt Alrai S for hammock KWAK UnderQuilt Alrai S for hammock 2
Product is available to order
5,550 Kč
KWAK UnderQuilt Alrai S is an ideal accessory for sleeping in a hammock. It is a bottom insulation, that is suspended under the hammock and creating an air gap, guaranteeing maximum insulation and thermal comfort. UnderQuilt stops the flow of cold air a eliminates so-called ,,cold butt syndrome’’. It has waterproof finish and is filled with the finest...
KWAK Women's feather gloves Polaris KWAK Women's feather gloves Polaris 2
Product is available to order
1,250 Kč
I'm sure that this happened to you, that even with wearing gloves, your hand are freezing or the gloves are gotten wet right away. This is no longer the cane with out KWAK Women feather gloves. Lightweight and very pleasant to the touch gloves filled with goose feather. This accessory ensures comfort and thermal coziness for your hands from cold to frosty...
KWAK Men's feather gloves Pollux KWAK Men's feather gloves Pollux 2
Product is available to order
1,350 Kč
I'm sure that this happened to you, that even with wearing gloves, your hand are freezing or the gloves are gotten wet right away. This is no longer the can with out KWAK Men feather gloves. Lightweight and very pleasant to the touch gloves filled with goose feather. This accessory ensures comfort and thermal coziness for your hands from cold to frosty...
KWAK Children's feather gloves Porrima KWAK Children's feather gloves Porrima 2
Product is available to order
1,170 Kč
Probably like every parent, you want to ensure your child's warmth, comfort and satisfaction. Leightweight and very pleasant to the touch KWAK kid gloves filled goose feather are great not only for the carrier and stroller. This accessory will provide comfort and warmth for the hands of your little ones from cold to freezing tempatures. You no longer have...
KWAK Thermal Pad KWAK Thermal Pad 2
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Mattresses, thermal pads

KWAK Thermal Pad

645 Kč
KWAK Thermal Pad is used as additional insulation to prevent loss of thermal comfort when sleeping in the lower section of the sleeping bag - under the heels of the feet. Furthermore KWAK Thermal Pad is also used as as a seat pad when sitting in cold places or in snow.
KWAK Compression cover KRAZ KWAK Compression cover KRAZ 2
Product is in stock

KWAK Compression cover KRAZ

375 Kč
KWAK Compression cover compresses your sleeping bag to a minimal size for more comfortable transport and at the same time, it protects from tearing or staining during the transportation. The cover is equipped with two horizontal and vertical straps, a drawstring and a brake. The straps can make the bag shrink. From the top, the sleeping bag is covered...
KWAK Storage packaging Kuma KWAK Storage packaging Kuma 2
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KWAK Storage packaging Kuma

485 Kč
Sleeping bag should be packed in a transport or compression bag only for the time strictly necessary for transport. Upon coming back from the travelling, the sleeping bag should be unfolded and properly ventilated. Then you can store it in the airy and spacious KWAK Storage pack or ideally leave it hanging. KWAK Storage pack will provide the best...
KWAK work - 1 hour KWAK work - 1 hour 2
Product is available to order
Sleeping bag accessories

KWAK work - 1 hour

495 Kč
495 Kč / hodina
Work and extra work is calculated for each hour worked and is charged as such..
Custom applique as desired Custom applique as desired 2
Product is available to order
Accessories and spare parts

Custom applique as desired

499 Kč
The possibility to have your own applique made according to your wishes and graphic design, even a few pieces, is not limited.
KWAK Zipper puller KWAK Zipper puller 2
Product is in stock
Accessories and spare parts

KWAK Zipper puller

15 Kč
KWAK Zipper puller (slider) will nicely complement the product detail. It is in a combination of black / red / blue / green, you just have to choose. The puller itself consists of a drawstring in various colors and a rubber handle in black with the KWAK logo in green firecrackers and a white KWAK inscription.
KWAK Gift voucher of any value
Product is in stock
100 Kč
Donate a KWAK voucher of any value. After ordering, you can download the Gift Voucher in PDF format (print quality) and print it on your own printer or you can ask us to print in color and send it in an envelope to the address specified in the order to your recipient - This service is FREE. The voucher cannot be exchanged for money or a gift voucher of...
KWAK - Storage Pack Kuma S KWAK - Storage Pack Kuma S 2
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KWAK - Storage Pack Kuma S

455 Kč
Sleeping bag should be packed in a transport or compression bag only for the time strictly necessary for transport. Upon coming back from the travelling, the sleeping bag should be unfolded and properly ventilated. Then you can store it in the airy and spacious KWAK Storage pack or ideally leave it hanging. KWAK Storage pack will provide the best...
KWAK Hucule to sleeping bag down Gemini KWAK Hucule to sleeping bag down Gemini 2
Product is available to order
From 1,850 Kč
Elevated model of slippers for winter and cold season. Lightweight and very pleasant to the touch boots filled with goose feather. This accessory will ensure comfort and thermal warmth for your feet during the cold to frosty periods. KWAK slippers are suitable for your sleeping bag, as winter slippers for home, in a tent or to warm your feet after taking...
KWAK Men's windbreaker Mira KWAK Men's windbreaker Mira 2
Product is available to order
4,850 Kč
Do you want to have a windbreaker made according to your imagination? Then at us, we sew according to ideas of our dear customers. KWAK windbreaker is suitable for most seasons, it is anatomically shaped and therefore suitable for all outdoor activities. You probably have experienced unexpectedly bad weather, but with our lightweight KWAK windbreaker you...
KWAK Bivouac bag Alcor without mosquito net KWAK Bivouac bag Alcor without mosquito net 2
Product is in stock
8,950 Kč
Vapor permeability Ret 1,6 Pa.m2.W-1 | MVTR 75 000 g/m2/24 hod. | Extreme water resistance Water column height 19 000 mm / 1 dm2 | Breathability - windproofness 99,3 % - 0,129 mm.s-1 0,025 cfm | Hydrophobic and oleophobic surface treatment DWR C6 highest class - lotus effect water, oil, fluorocarbon (PFC-no free). Are you going to spend the night in...
KWAK Bivouac bag Alcor with mosquito net KWAK Bivouac bag Alcor with mosquito net 2
Product is in stock
9,845 Kč
Vapor permeability Ret 1,6 Pa.m2.W-1 | MVTR 75 000 g/m2/24 hod. | Extreme water resistance Water column height 19 000 mm / 1 dm2 | Breathability - windproofness 99,3 % - 0,129 mm.s-1 0,025 cfm | Hydrophobic and oleophobic surface treatment DWR C6 highest class - lotus effect water, oil, fluorocarbon (PFC-no free). Are you going to spend the night in...
KWAK Women's feather skirt Rana KWAK Women's feather skirt Rana 2
Product is available to order
3,990 Kč
Are you going cross-country skiing, a trip to the countryside or to the city? Do you want to feel comfortable and be nicely dressed? Or do you want to make a skirt of your dreams??At us, we sew according to wishes of our dear customers. Our KWAK skirt is suitable for all seasons, it is anatomically shaped, and has the advantage of quick dressing thanks to...
KWAK Women's windbreaker Aurora KWAK Women's windbreaker Aurora 2
Product is available to order
4,350 Kč
Do you want to have a windbreaker made to your imagination? Then we sew according to the ideas of our dear customers. The KWAK windbreaker is suitable for most seasons, it is anatomically shaped and therefore suitable for all outdoor activities. You must have experienced unexpectedly bad weather, but with our lightweight KWAK windbreaker you don't have to...
KWAK Compression cover AVIOR KWAK Compression cover AVIOR 2
Product is in stock

KWAK Compression cover AVIOR

375 Kč
KWAK Compression cover compresses your sleeping bag to a minimal size for more comfortable transport and at the same time, it protects from tearing or staining during the transportation. The cover is equipped with two horizontal and vertical straps, a drawstring and a brake. The straps can make the bag shrink. From the top, the sleeping bag is covered...
KWAK Compression cover ATRIA KWAK Compression cover ATRIA 2
Product is in stock

KWAK Compression cover ATRIA

375 Kč
KWAK Compression cover compresses your sleeping bag to a minimal size for more comfortable transport and at the same time, it protects from tearing or staining during the transportation. The cover is equipped with two horizontal and vertical straps, a drawstring and a brake. The straps can make the bag shrink. From the top, the sleeping bag is covered...
KWAK Double sleeping bag Twist W185 KWAK Double sleeping bag Twist W185 2
Product is available to order
23,650 Kč
It's time to go on nature trips in any weather. Whether it is spring, summer, autumn or winter, the Twist sleeping bag will be a good partner for you after a tiring journey on the hills and in the mountains. It is important to think that you can sleep comfortably away from home, that you do not feel cold at night, or that you do not get wet. This and much...
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